bad langauge

2431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: The Utter Motherfuckers who run Interquest say a final "fuck you" to loyal shareholders

Gary Ashworth the founder and chairman of Interquest (ITQ) was once someone I once counted as a friend.  No more and never again. Gary has behaved like a total prize shit with his 42p per share attempted MBO and a statement at 4.01 PM today was a final fuck you from Gary, CFO David Bygrave and the other complete and utter bastards behind the MBO. Gary I despise you and your pals as you have behaved beyond badly. Today's RNS is a case study in telling shareholders that their views do not matter and that they are about to be ( once again) utterly shafted.  This podcast contains a lot of bad language but perhaps that is the only language that prize shits like Ashworth understand.


3215 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 July - seething with white rage, extreme bad language warning

So Paul "Trotsky" Scott, "Red" Darren Atwater, George "the twat" Osborne and your out of touch cabinet pals who have never risked their capital to run an SME, PR supremo Reg "crony capitalist" Hoare et al you want me to pay my staff £9 an hour. Let me tell you about Christina and why I am in such a foul mood today. Warning this podcast contains a stream of bad langauge.  I also cover Greece, Blur, Johnston Press, Mosman Oil & Gas (0p here we come) and Armadale Capital.
